Sellics Review 2021 – Amazon FBA Tools

April 3, 2020

Today I’m reviewing Sellics and I’m just going to give you guys a bit of an overview. In the dashboard you’ve got the sales and profit, so it just gives you this sort of a dot point graph of each day. The green graph is sales clearly, or revenue, and the purple is profit. You can see here it is sort of trailing along, at it’s pathetic sort of 20% or whatever it is. And then these green lines here, they’re just, the start of each new week basically, so they’re just markers.

This trailing 30 days, you can change all this kind of stuff in the settings. So yes you can, despite the way you like to look, but I like to get a sort of overall picture of how the product’s going and your business basically. And then you can do this on a per skew level as well. The performance table, this is again, is pretty much like the sales and profit. But it just gives you like the best view, I guess, you can see here like you’ve got like sales today, sales yesterday, 7, 15 and 30. But it gives you, and you can see here the margin, it changes every single time. So you got 37, 37, 2018, 19 sort of thing.
Now the reason this changes, like these numbers here are basically the same 20 to 18%, that’s my real sort of profit margin. But this number here is not including PPC, so PPC hasn’t been taken out. Most of the software is pretty slow at pulling the PPC data, and I think that’s mainly on Amazon’s end. You can’t even see it in seller central, so give it a couple of days and yes, just know that those numbers there are skewed, and so these numbers here as well.

So you can see how many units and how many orders. That can be important if you have a product, say like a, you know, like a pre-workout or something where it’s a consumable that you might order multiples off in one order. As you can see, my product’s not one of those, and then it tells you how many promos. Now this here, this is like promos, like any kind of promos, even promos that Amazon does. So that’s just something to be mindful of. This is another feature here I really like in Sellics, it’s the keyword ranking index. Now this is again, an overall picture over the last 30 days. And you can see that obviously my products have been ranking higher and higher and higher sort of thing. And that’s what you want to see, you want to see your products getting indexed for more and more keywords, obviously bringing more traffic and more sales at the end of the day.

This starts to dip, that’ll tell you straight away, like, okay what have you lost rankings for, and then you can dip in to the keyword ranking and check your, each key word would and see okay I’ve lost so much rank there, or whatever. These reviews in the last seven days, as you can see, I’ve got a one star review there. There’s probably know no worse feeling than getting a one star review, it’s just brutal. And then you got PPC, so it gives you an overview of that. Another thing I really like, it tells you how many clicks, that’s not super useful. I’d rather that see like, show me how much profit I’ve got on my PPC.

But, you can go into this PPC section and it’ll show you that. So you can see what cost of the PPC over the last 30 days. And then if you scroll down here, you can see you’ve got your products and then you’ve got your monitored products. So, it just shows you basically overall sort of arching stats, like any dashboard. If you gross sales, gross revenue share of each product that you’re selling, and then based on ranks and you can turn them off and on.
So we got into rankings, and you can see here, it just brings up a list of your products that you have for sale. How many keywords and everything that you tracking over here. What brand did they under search volume, it’s like search volume I never really pay attention to just because no one really knows the search volume. They issue different tools like Google AdWords still and all that kind of stuff to make a rough estimation of it. Your top ranking, like you’re ranking number one for some key word, that’s not very important to me, because it could be some obscure little keyword that no one cares about, and then average ranking. So then if you, if we just go in here and we’d dive into one of them, you can see basically an overarching view of everything that you have so for keywords.

So this is just one product I have that tells you obviously all the numbers at the top. Conversion rate and sessions: I don’t know why that’s not pulling that in at the moment, that normally does. But I know they’re having a problem with their performance metrics up here. This little tab here, it used to be available, but it’s no longer available. So anyway, so in keywords, I like this sort of system because you can just go over like what keyword do you want, and then they’ll highlight it here on the graph. So you’re like, okay, what’s this one? Okay, cool. And then it basically has split between page one, two, three, four, five, six, all the way down to 10 or 11. And you can search through all the different pages of keywords that you’re tracking and all that kind of stuff.

So I really liked that, I liked the way it’s sort of laid out. I wish they had a feature like Cash Cow where it shows you last 7, 15 and 30 days, that’d be awesome. But that’s probably the only thing I feel like is missing from this piece of software. Also in here, you have a lot of stuff. I’m not going to go into it all because it’ll take way too long. But obviously you can add more keywords to it. It gives you own page factors against your top five competitors for each keyword. So you can go into here, I’ll show you. Alright, so this is just into the on-page area here, and you can just see basically it tells you what brand it is, titles, what your title, compare to their titles. Bullet point count,, it goes through everything, description, everything you can possibly imagine. And now, and you can also select here, this will be greyed out, but that’s the keyword there that you’re comparing your product with.

So it’s a useful feature, especially for split testing and that kind of stuff, and yes it is definitely useful. The next thing is notes up here, this is probably one of the sort of features I like to use the most. It allows you, yes when you’re doing anything on Amazon, it’s hard to keep track of all the stuff that you’re changing. So for me, let’s say I’m doing some optimization on my PPC and Amazon listing. Let’s say I put a couple of negative keywords in there that might be closely related to my product, but they’re not performing well for whatever reason. If I add them in and like negative phrase, match these keywords up or something like that. You want to be able to see the consequence of that. So is Amazon going to penalize you anything for that? Because now you’re saying, Hey my product’s no longer, I’m not associated or don’t want to be associated with these keywords. So it’s always good to just keep an eye on that. It’s not like your negative phrase or exact match, something that’s going to be like, Oh, Amazon’s going to, okay de-index him for that keyword. But it is just something to bear in mind. So whenever I’m changing anything, whether it’s titles, images, anything, I’ll just make a note in here, say, I’ve changed the title or change the image and that way it’ll just allow me to see okay, on the 3rd of January, I changed it and that’s, you know I’ve seen a decrease in my rankings.

Okay I’ll go back there and tweak that, or my conversion rate has been low for the last week. Why is that? Oh, that’s right. I made a change last week and I changed the lifestyle image on my product. So whatever it is, you can change it and you can track it in here by just by adding a note. And you can see the little notes, they’ll come up like this little lump block here and you can see that underneath your product as well. So they have super URLs, which is not really a thing I use. Obviously your competition, you’re go in there, your buy box, my stuff’s all private label. So most of the time I own it unless someone’s just trying to hijack my listing. And they also show you the reviews, just like anything else.

So if we go to the review section here, all right. So in here you can just see basically what you would see anywhere else, I guess. But I have, and use Feedback Genius as my email client and Feedback Genius emails me straight away as soon as I got a negative review. So for me, I don’t really use this section just because I want to know as soon as a negative review happens. So I tend to get in there and give that customer the best support I can to try sway that vote I guess. Because they might be frustrated about something and if I can, you know, do a good job, maybe I can sway that and they might remove it, probably unlikely. Or they might, you know, increase the star rating. So yes, this is just basic then you can filter, obviously by style rating by new, working in progress and all that kind of stuff. So you can you sort of make note.

Next feature up here is spying, so unless you’re spying competitors. I find this feature in here pretty useless, to be honest. The way it works is basically if you type in, I think it’s nine, nine, nine or a thousand into the buy box of any product, it’ll tell you how many even like stock they have left. So you can sort of guess how many they’re selling. So if you do that every day, you can guess how many they’re selling because you’d put a nine, nine and nine on Monday, the next day it’s Tuesday. Do it again, you see that they’re missing 15. So you can say, okay they sold 15 and that’s basically how this works.

Now it doesn’t work when they have more than 1000 units in there because you can’t track it. So that’s what we’re saying here. All these zeros is basically where that’s happening. You can see this guy, he’s 1000 at home, so he’s definitely going to be having sales so. Just important to note, I find this very useful at all. The only way you can use this tool to track sort of competitive stuff is if you add it as your product and then add keywords to it, and you can track all the keywords and stuff like that, that can be useful. But this, yes this tool is sadly in need of a bit of an update.

So the next thing is inventory management. Now, this is in beta, but this is just like every other piece of software. They basically just, you just punch in your current stock, use these daily velocity the last seven days, lead time, out of stock days, order SAP. Super simple. you should be keeping an eye on that and you should know that basically yourself, you don’t really need tool for that.

And profit, this is probably on par with hello profits sort of system, but I kind of like it a little bit better. So if we go in here, we’ll just change. So we’ve got last seven days. All right, so this just gives you a better, bit of a better view sorry. So you can see your trends like over the days, how many, like again, this is sales and profits. And this here, this site’s profit. And I mean this site’s revenue, this site’s profit. So you’re seeing like they’re pretty equal, but obviously that number there is 1300 and that number there is 300. So even though they look like they’re super close, it’s just two different graphs, basically just showed on the ones show sheet.
And then the other thing I really like about this software is this breakdown of costs, which is I think is awesome. So it tells you like you grow sales, what is it shipping, what is PPC and what is organic. There’s not many pieces of software to tell you how many sales you’re getting through a pay-per-click or the . But basically, I’m assuming it just works it out on how many orders you get from your PPC and just punches that number in there. These are the costs of doing business, as you can say, it’s a fair chunk. So yes, cost of good PPC costs in there, Amazon’s FBA fees are in there as well.

So yes, you can see that there’s a general rule of thumb when it comes to Amazon is they take 33% of whatever you sell, and you can say that’s pretty accurate there, like this 29%. But yes, so that’s a good rule of thumb for you guys that are getting started. PPC costs at 16%. That’s way too high at the moment, but I just was in launch mode. So that is the reason that is so high, and I’ll continue to tweak that down. And so should anyone, until they get there. All pretty much their whole campaign underneath ACOS costs and then, yes then you’re left with this tiny little number for profit. I wish it was larger, but at the moment it’s only 20% and that’s, yes one of the things I will continue to work on.

But yes, but basically it’s just shows you your products and this here is just underneath this brands. So tells you how many units you sell to profit, margin, all that kind of stuff. And you punch in your unit cost over here so you can punch it over here. How much it costs you and how much shipping costs you. I just punch it under one under cost of goods and I sort of work out what’s the unit cost and what’s the shipping cost per units. Push it into one number and then that way I can work it out. Like I just chuck it in here and sort of figured that out.

And then you got PPC manager. All right, so in here, I really like using Amazon’s own one in seller central. It gives you a really good overview if you use that and use advertising reports, just search term and campaign. I find that I don’t really need a PPC tool. I get a pretty good overview of what is costing me money, what’s making me money. Yes, so this is a cool feature, but something I don’t really use, but it could be useful for some of you guys. So you can see here, this is a on a month, I believe, no last seven day sorry. So last seven days you can see how many impressions I got, the CTR. A good rule of thumb for you guys when you’re doing CTR, this is not tutorial at all, but you want to aim for like over 0.4 to about sort of 1% on cllick through rate on your ads. If it’s underneath that, it means that that mark or that keyword you’re targeting is not very responsive to that keyword sort of thing basically. I’d see clicks and click through rate.

So yes, this is basically, you can see that huge SEOs there of 75%, basically. So that’s something you’ve got to reduce a lot. Yes this number, here is always got to be equal or under your profit margin. Then you can scroll down here and you’ve got all your campaigns, so you can dig deep into this. It does allow you to just quickly have a good overview, like it shows your revenue profit margin, ACS preferred campaign, and then you can dig even deeper.

You can add filters to it; so only show me keywords that are a maximum of 30. They have at least 10 clicks, and then it’ll filter those, and you can say, I’ve got none. So. In the campaign, so as an overall care, you’d never do that with campaigns. You’d probably do with ad groups or keywords. So if you did the same thing with keywords, you should be able to get something that’s similar to that. So at least 10 clicks and yes, you can see like a bunch of keywords come up there. But, it is useful, I probably should use it a lot more than I do, but I’m used to the manual way to do it. So. It’s just something for you guys to bear in mind.

Yes, so that’s pretty much it. They used to have this performance tab, which was awesome, but it’s no longer available. It just was a good way, it’s sort of like a dashboard view, but it was giving you revenue, sales sessions, conversion rate if it was going up or down, what’s trending, what’s trending from last week. South Central has also got something like this under seller performance, and it was pretty much like that. It was a pretty cool. interactive, sort of birds eye view of your business just to see how things are rolling. Sessions are down from last week, 5%, that kind of thing. So hopefully they can get this back up and running. But at the moment they’re saying basically, because the way Amazon structuring shit, they can’t get it back up. You’ve got these three other tools to take the nice analyzer and buy box. I never use them, but you can find sort of niche little products and stuff like that using these tools. I’m not going to go into them just because I’ve never used them. So just, yes, just be aware that they are there.

All right guys. Hopefully that was useful to you, and, if you’re looking for a tool, this is definitely probably the best one. This one Cash Cow Pro or even Hello Profit, but hello profit obviously is $100 a month, so it’s expensive. This one’s 50, used to be 30 and Cash Cow Pro still 30. So best bang for your buck is probably Cash Cow Pro. Then you’ve got Cellinetics, I like it better as long as you don’t need it. The emailing function and Hello Profit is the most expensive, but I think this is better than Hello Profit.
So, each their own, and hopefully this was useful for you guys. If you did like it, you pulled anything out of the video. If you could give us a like or subscribe, that’d be awesome.

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